The Estate Planning Process
Estate plans are as much for you as they are for your loved one. By not having a plan in place, your family may be required to make life and death decisions, your assets may go to unintended relatives, and children could be raised by someone appointed by the state.
Fortunately, for most families, estate planning is not complicated. But planning does require making a commitment to completing the necessary paperwork that will be honored in your state. While many documents can be completed on your own, it is wise to have an attorney specializing in estate planning to review them on your behalf.
The estate planning process can be broken down into six steps.
- Create a will – This is the most basic estate planning tool. A last will and testament will provide instructions as to who will inherit your belongings. Bear in mind, assets will still need to go through the probate process. This means your estate will become public and incur costs to your family.
- 制定遗嘱 – 这是最基本的遗产规划工具。遗嘱将提供关于谁将继承您财物的指示。请注意,资产仍需经过遗产认证程序。这意味着您的遗产将成为公共记录,并给您的家人带来费用
- Create a trust – Generally speaking, a trust separates ownership from use. Trusts allow your property to transfer directly to your beneficiary, without going through probate. Specialty trusts can also be used to maintain eligibility for government programs, special directives for special needs children, or create spendthrift protections.
- 创建信托 – 一般来说,信托将所有权与使用权分开。信托允许您的财产直接转移给受益人,而不需要经过遗产认证。特殊信托也可用于保持政府项目的资格,为特殊需要的儿童提供特殊指令,或创建保护措施
- Establish directives – Directives are useful both medically and financially and are important in the event you become disabled and lose the ability of decision making. Health care directives will keep your family from having to make life-and-death decisions. Powers of attorney can give family members (or other trusted individual) to make financial decisions on your behalf.
- 建立指令 – 指令在医疗和财务方面都是有用的,并且在您失去决策能力的情况下至关重要。健康护理指令将防止您的家人做出生死决策。授权书可以授权家人(或其他值得信赖的人)代表您做出财务决策
- Update beneficiaries – Review the beneficiaries named on all retirement accounts and life insurance policies. Make sure you have named the right people. Do not leave beneficiary information blank as the courts will determine who receives the benefits during probate.
- 更新受益人 – 检查所有退休账户和人寿保险单上的受益人。确保您指定了正确的人。不要留空受益人信息,因为法院将在遗产认证期间决定谁将获得这些利益
- Make final arrangements – When a family is grieving, decision making becomes difficult. Make sure you clearly outline your final arrangements so your loved ones can make sure your wishes are met and to avoid conflicts.
- 做最终安排 – 当家人正在哀悼时,决策变得困难。确保您明确列出您的最终安排,以便您的亲人可以确保满足您的愿望,并避免冲突
- Purchase life insurance – Evaluate your family’s life insurance needs and purchase an appropriate amount of coverage. If you are a business owner, life insurance is critical to allow your company to continue operations and maintain preferred ownership positions. Consult with a licensed insurance agent on the best options available to you.
- 购买人寿保险 – 评估您家庭的人寿保险需求并购买适当的保险金额。如果您是企业主,人寿保险对于确保公司继续运营和保持优先所有权地位至关重要。请咨询持牌保险代理,了解最适合您的选项
Your estate plan is a living blueprint. Make sure you annually regularly review your plan so it may keep pace with the changes in your life. Also, make sure your documents are stored safely, and in a location known by a trusted individual.
Estate planning will provide the peace of mind knowing of knowing your family will not need to worry about making difficult decisions during the somber time. If you have any questions regarding estate planning or would like assistance starting your estate plan today, please contact my office.