What is Long Term Care Insurance?
As we age, the likelihood we will need some type of medical or personal care increases. We may need long term care - a variety of services which help meet the medical and non-medical needs of people with a chronic illness or disability who cannot care for themselves for long periods of time. Such services typically include assistance with normal daily tasks like dressing, bathing, and using the bathroom. Long-term care can be provided at home, in the community, in assisted living facilities or in nursing homes.
On average the need for long term care services lasts months or years, not weeks or months, and can be very expensive. The costs of long term care on average exceed $50,000 per year (www.longtermcare.gov) and generally speaking, Medicare, Medicare supplement insurance and basic medical insurance plans do not cover the cost.
Long term care insurance was developed for precisely this reason – to provide the needed financial protection against the cost of long term care that other plans simply don’t cover. If you need long-term care services, what financial resources could you call on? Do you have the necessary savings to pay for home health care for six months, a year or longer without the expense being a burden on your lifestyle?
If not, long-term care insurance may be a good option for you to explore.
An insurance policy, based on your need for care, will pay a daily or monthly benefit amount to cover some or all of your long term care costs. Some policies will pay benefits for up to a stated period of time such as three or four years while others pay until a maximum dollar amount has been paid, such as $150,000. Most policies have options for your daily or monthly and policy maximum benefits to automatically increase every year so that your coverage keeps pace with rising health care costs.
It’s never too early to consider long-term care insurance because:
- The younger you are when you buy long term care insurance the less it cost.
- 您购买长期护理保险时年龄越小,费用越低。
- Once you have the coverage, it is Guaranteed Renewable for life – it cannot be cancelled. Conversely, once you become too unhealthy to obtain it, you are unlikely to ever be healthy enough to qualify again.
- 一旦您获得保障,它就终身可保证续保——不能被取消。相反,一旦您变得太不健康而无法获得保险,您可能永远也不会健康到再符合资格
If you are 45 or older and do not have coverage in place, I encourage you to learn more now. For more information including a personalized quote, please contact me.
Long Term Care 长期护理
- What is Long Term Care Insurance? 什么是长期护理保险?
- How Much Long Term Care Insurance is Enough? 多少长期护理保险才足够?
- NOW is The Time for Long Term Planning 现在是长期规划的时候
- Fact vs Fiction About Long Term Care Insurance 长期护理保险的事实与虚构
- Hybrid Long Term Care Insurance vs Traditional Long Term Care Insurance 混合长期护理保险与传统长期护理保险
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