It's Never Too Early to Plan for Your Retirement
A secure, comfortable retirement is every person’s dream. Since we're living longer, healthier lives, we can expect to spend more time in retirement than our parents and grandparents did. Achieving the dream of a secure, comfortable retirement is much easier when you plan your finances accordingly.
Social Security Retirement Planner can help you now
A good place to start thinking about planning for your retirement is with the Social Security Planner. Here you can find tools and guides to help you think through this phase of your life. It also points out things you may want to consider as you prepare for the future.
If you are:
Looking for information, you can:
- Find your retirement age
- 找到您的退休年龄
- Estimate your life expectancy
- 估算您的预期寿命
- Use the Retirement Estimator and the other benefit calculators to test different
- 使用退休估算器和其他福利计算器,测试不同的退休年龄或未来收入金额 退休年龄或将来的收入
- Learn about Social Security programs
- 了解社会保障计划
- Find out what happens if you work after you retire or if you are already a Medicare Beneficiary
- 查找退休后工作的影响,或如果您已经是医疗保险受益人
- Learn how certain types of earnings and pensions can affect your benefits.
- 了解某些类型的收入和养老金如何影响您的福利
Already near retirement age, you can:
- Discover your retirement options
- 探索您的退休选择
- Get information about how members of your family may qualify for benefits
- 获取有关您的家人可能如何符合福利资格的信息
- Find instructions on how to apply for benefits and what supporting documents you may need to furnish
- 找到申请福利的说明以及可能需要提供的支持文件
- Apply for retirement benefits
- 申请退休福利
Close to age 65, you can find out how to apply for just Medicare. You may need to sign up for Medicare close to your 65th birthday, even if you will not be retired by that time.
- Some health insurance plans change automatically at age 65.
- 一些健康保险计划在65岁时会自动更改。如果您在65岁时正在领取社会保障福利,您的医疗保险住院福利将会自动开始
- If you are getting Social Security benefits when you turn 65, your Medicare Hospital Benefits will start automatically.